Since Motocarb commenced business in 2007, we have used clear plastic grip seal bags when posting parts out to customers.
I calculated that we were using up to 3,000 grip seal bags per year.
We are now trying to do our bit for the environment by using Kraft paper envelopes for jets and other smaller parts, cutting down on single use plastic which would end up in land fill or the sea. It costs a bit more, but it felt like the right thing to do.
It's only a small move but I've asked my suppliers if they can do the same and send my orders in paper rather than plastic.
December 2018
My main Mikuni wholesaler now supplies all small parts in paper packaging rather than plastic bags as a direct response to my suggestion to them. If you use plastic packaging in your business, please consider using recyclable materials instead.
I calculated that we were using up to 3,000 grip seal bags per year.
We are now trying to do our bit for the environment by using Kraft paper envelopes for jets and other smaller parts, cutting down on single use plastic which would end up in land fill or the sea. It costs a bit more, but it felt like the right thing to do.
It's only a small move but I've asked my suppliers if they can do the same and send my orders in paper rather than plastic.
December 2018
My main Mikuni wholesaler now supplies all small parts in paper packaging rather than plastic bags as a direct response to my suggestion to them. If you use plastic packaging in your business, please consider using recyclable materials instead.